Monday 1 December 2014

Thriller research - Intro Scenes

Se7en Opening Sequence

In this two minute clip we can almost immediately determine the genre for the film based on the music used (Closer by Nine Inch Nails) and by the lighting, which is low key casting a lot of shadows emphaising the mystery and confusion that the film will contain.

The text used for the credits its a very scrawly font making look hand written by the character we see (hands) writing in the book during this sequence. This makes the opening scene seem more creepy or eery, the text also occasionaly jumps suddenly on its axis tilting it making the scene look more chaotic, the fact that the text appears all over the screen throughout the sequence also adds to this idea of choas.

Expanding more on the idea of chaos, the clip conatians a few jump cuts and flashes images from different points in time that relate to the story line making the entire clip very creepy and uneasing.

The heavy use of red and black gives us an idea that there is blood and death involved in this film as red can mean danger and black can mean death or disease.

The Lost Highway Opening Sequence

In this intro scene all we can see is the road, the ligh and the text coming from the darkness.

The music playing in this clip is 'Im Deranged by David Bowie'

You can see that whoever is driving the car is driving straight down the middle of the road, we can see this by the road lines passing down the middle of the screen. This shows us that the driver (the charatcer) cannot make up their mind about what to do i.e which side to drive on.

The song suggests that the character may be suffering from something mental, either an illness or guilt, which would explain why he cannot decide on something.

When the text starts to appear suddenly from the darkness, this could suggest that the driver cannot see what is going to happen, the darkness of the surroundings emphasises this as it can obscure judgement.

In all, this opening sequence represents the mind of the main character on how he cannot decide on which path to take and how he cannot see what is in his future creating an athmosphere of mystery and suspense.

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